Hello everybody, I'm terribly sorry for the long pause in updating. It's not like I have many readers, but I did say I would try and update more regularly and I let myself down on that one.
But, just because I haven't made any posts lately doesn't mean I have been slacking! I have actually been pretty busy as of late. I'll try to explain everything that's gone on.

In early November, my ceramic class and professor made a trip to Houston to check out a few galleries and to swing by
The Ceramic Store Houston. We were able to stop by
18 Hands Gallery on 19th St. as well as the
Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts. At the HCCC there was an exhibit over Warren McKenzie (pictured above), who is an American potter who studied under Bernard Leach for three years. Bernard Leach is Simon Leach's grandfather and was a contemporary of Shoji Hamada. All of these people I highly look up to for their aesthetics and abilities. What they have accomplished in the ceramic world is amazing in my eyes and it was amazing to see so much of Warren's material in one spot. Also on this trip I was able to pick up some tools for my wheel here at the house, so the trip was great all around. I also got to see one of my best friends, Jodi, who had just gotten out of adominal surgery. It was a hoot traversing the medical district, but I was glad to see her and know she was ok.

During our stop at the 18 Hands Gallery, I met Kathy Blossom who is Volunteer Chair for Clay Houston, and was offered an opportunity to volunteer at Clay Houston's Clay Festival. My professor, Linnis Blanton, was participating in the festival as an exhibitor so I felt it would be benfitial to show up and help anyway I could. A friend of mine, Chelsy, accompanied me to Houston on the 7th where we volunteered mostly at the kids table. The festival was pretty nice, a lot of great work and very nice people. I was able to meet Lotus, a Houston clay artist, who has a great way of working. Her pieces generally are biker-esque, much like bandannas twills worked in with skulls and metallic studs. I really enjoyed the trip, working with kids has always been a joy of mine. I wouldn't want to do it for a living, but seeing them happy is great. There were a few kids who had been coming for a few years to the festival, which I thought was awesome. I had never heard of Clay Houston until this past year personally.

The next big thing to happen was our ceramic class critique that left me rather depressed. I was largely unhappy with what I had produced over this past semester. I had all intentions of working on craft and trying to graduate this upcoming spring semester. My professor and my thesis committee chair agreed that I was far from ready and that a lot of work needed to be done before I could graduate. Huge shot to my ego, but I sucked it up and believe it will be a good thing. To the right is me with some of the things I threw this past semester. The one jug I was really proud of is cut off on the right hand side, but you can get the jest. All of my mugs were way to heavy and most had extruded handles. I have been working hard on getting good forms and sizes down, as well as pulling my own handles. A lot of the items from this past semester I've already given away as gifts to family, big step for me. You can see more pictures from my classes critique at my friend
Jodi's blog, All Is Truth.

After the critique, the next big thing was our class show Fire and Ice at The Ice House Museum in Silsbee, Texas. It was a very nice show, looked great. I was a little let down that out of the 5 pieces I submitted, only 4 were accepted. The one piece that was left out, I felt was one of my best items and would have easily sold. When I got there, all my name tags were out for the pieces, but that last piece wasn't there and my professor told me "Well it must not have made it in the show." To top that off, my aunt showed up and told me she'd like to purchase a piece of mine. I told her not to as in I would just give it to her after the show. She disregarded what I said and bought two of my 4 pieces in the show and THEN proceed to take them home with her, on the day of the opening. So for the duration of this show, I've had two pieces in it. The least amount of pieces of anyone now. Another shot to my ego, but this whole semester has been hectic. Dropping thesis, hurricanes, medical issues, etc. One thing after another.
As for what I have been doing lately... well... I'm going to reserve that for another post. I have pictures and a good bit to talk about. So, I swear to it- I'll get that update sooner than later. Hopefully today or tomorrow, no promises ;)
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